
Can Companies Offer Global Employees Equity Via EORs? How it Works?

Employee Equity

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    Ever wonder how to attract and retain top talent from around the globe? Well, many companies are using a strategy called Employer of Record (EOR) services, to extend equity offers to their international employees.

    In this article, we’ll unravel the complexities behind EORs and guide you through the process of leveraging them for global employee equity distributions. Let’s dive in and explore how your business can gain a competitive edge globally!

    Key Takeaways

    • Employer of Record (EOR) services allow companies to recruit, hire, manage, and pay talent anywhere in the world.
    • EORs provide worry – free global HR services by handling administrative tasks and ensuring compliance with local laws.
    • Offering equity to global employees through EORs helps attract top talentalign incentives with company success, and create a sense of ownership and motivation.
    • Companies can offer equity through Employee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOPs) or other types of equity incentives like ISOs, NSOs, RSUs, and VSOs.

    What is an EOR and Its Benefits for Companies with Global Employees

    An EOR, or Employer of Record, enables companies to recruit, hire, manage, and pay talent anywhere in the world, providing worry-free global HR services and easy access to local expertise and culture.

    Recruit, hire, manage, and pay talent anywhere in the world

    Companies can use an Employer of Record (EOR). This helps them find, get, and pay people all over the world. They don’t have to worry about HR tasks. The EOR takes care of that. It knows the local laws and how things work in other countries.

    Businesses can then focus on their work, not paperwork. For example, Remote is an EOR that does this for many companies around the globe.

    Worry-free global HR services

    Global companies often face numerous challenges when it comes to managing their employees worldwide. However, with the help of Employer of Record (EOR) services, they can enjoy worry-free global HR services.

    EORs take care of all the administrative tasks involved in recruiting, hiring, managing, and paying talent anywhere in the world. This includes handling local employment laws and regulations, ensuring compliance with tax requirements, and providing easy access to local expertise and culture.

    By partnering with an EOR, companies can focus on their core business while leaving the complexities of global HR management in capable hands.

    In addition to handling day-to-day HR operations globally, EORs assist companies in offering equity to their global employees. Offering equity or share options is a powerful incentive for attracting top talent from around the world.

    It aligns employee incentives with company success and creates a sense of ownership and motivation within the workforce. EORs understand the importance of equity compensation for international employees and can provide guidance on different types of equity incentives such as Employee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOPs), ISOs (Incentive Stock Options), NSOs (Nonqualified Stock Options), RSUs (Restricted Stock Units), VSOs (Virtual Share Options), among others.

    With their expertise in navigating international tax laws and compliance with local labor regulations, EORs make it easier for companies to offer ESOPs or other forms of equity compensation to their global employees without running into legal or regulatory issues.

    This includes assistance with setting up an ESOP program tailored to meet specific country requirements while integrating seamlessly with existing HR management software used by companies.

    Easy access to local expertise and culture

    Employing global employees through an Employer of Record (EOR) gives companies easy access to local expertise and culture. With an EOR, businesses can tap into the knowledge and insights of local professionals who understand the nuances of their market.

    This helps companies navigate cultural differences, language barriers, and regulatory requirements more effectively. By leveraging this local expertise, companies can make informed decisions regarding recruitment strategiesemployee engagement initiatives, and overall business operations in different countries.

    Furthermore, having a diverse workforce that includes local employees can enhance creativity and innovation within the company while fostering a sense of inclusivity.

    Why Companies Choose to Offer Equity to Global Employees

    Companies choose to offer equity to global employees in order to attract top talent, align incentives with company success, and create a sense of ownership and motivation.

    Attract top talent

    Companies offering equity to global employees through EORs can attract top talent from around the world. Granting stock options or equity awards is an enticing incentive that can set a company apart and give them a competitive edge in attracting skilled professionals.

    By offering the opportunity for ownership and potential financial gain, companies show their commitment to rewarding employee contributions and aligning incentives with company success.

    This sense of ownership and motivation can be a powerful tool in attracting highly qualified individuals who are looking for opportunities that go beyond just monetary compensation.

    Align incentives with company success

    Companies choose to offer equity to global employees in order to align their incentives with the success of the company. By providing employees with a stake in the company through equity, they are motivated to work towards its growth and profitability.

    This sense of ownership encourages employees to go above and beyond in their roles, resulting in increased productivity and dedication. Offering equity also helps companies attract top talent by providing an additional incentive that goes beyond just salary and benefits.

    It creates a win-win situation where employees have the opportunity to benefit from the company’s success, while the company gains a more engaged and committed workforce.

    Create a sense of ownership and motivation

    Offering equity to global employees can create a sense of ownership and motivation. When employees have the opportunity to own a share in the company, they feel more invested in its success.

    This ownership mentality can drive them to work harder and go the extra mile to contribute to the company’s growth. By aligning incentives with company success, companies can encourage their global employees to take ownership of their roles and responsibilities, leading to increased productivity and loyalty.

    Additionally, granting stock options or equity compensation can serve as a valuable retention tool, helping companies retain top talent worldwide by providing them with a stake in the company’s future success.

    Options for Offering Equity to Global Employees

    Companies have several options for offering equity to global employees, including Employee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOPs) and different types of equity incentives such as ISOs, NSOs, RSUs, and VSOs.

    Want to learn more about how these options work? Read on!

    Employee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOPs)

    Employee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOPs) are a type of equity incentive that companies can offer to their global employees. By granting stock options or shares through an ESOP, companies can provide their employees with a sense of ownership and motivation.

    ESOPs can also help attract top talent and align employee incentives with the success of the company. However, when offering ESOPs to global employees, it’s important for companies to consider local labor and tax laws, choose the right business entity, and manage regulatory requirements and tax implications.

    Thankfully, Employer of Record services like Deel can assist in setting up an ESOP, ensure compliance with local laws and regulations, navigate international tax laws, and integrate with HR management software for seamless operations.

    Different types of equity incentives (ISOs, NSOs, RSUs, VSOs)

    Companies have different options when it comes to offering equity incentives to their global employees. These include ISOs (Incentive Stock Options), NSOs (Nonqualified Stock Options), RSUs (Restricted Stock Units), and VSOs (Virtual Stock Options).

    ISOs are typically offered to key employees and provide them with the right to purchase company stock at a discounted price. NSOs, on the other hand, do not come with as many tax advantages but can be given to any employee or contractor.

    RSUs grant employees shares of company stock after a certain period of time or upon meeting specific performance goals. VSOs are virtual options that simulate the benefits of actual stock ownership without granting real equity.

    By offering these different types of equity incentives, companies can align the interests of their global employees with the success of the organization, motivate them to perform better, and create a sense of ownership within the workforce.

    Considerations When Offering ESOPs to Global Employees

    Understanding local labor and tax laws, choosing the right entity for business, and managing regulatory requirements and tax implications are crucial factors to consider when offering ESOPs to global employees.

    Learn more about these considerations to ensure compliance and optimize equity offerings.

    Understanding local labor and tax laws

    Understanding local labor and tax laws is crucial when offering equity to global employees. Each country has its own set of regulations and compliance requirements regarding employment and taxation.

    Employers need to be aware of eligibility provisions, such as residency or work permit restrictions, that may impact the ability to offer equity incentives. Additionally, they must understand how stock options are treated for tax purposes in different jurisdictions.

    This includes considering withholding and reporting obligations for international employees who receive stock options. By ensuring compliance with local labor and tax laws, companies can avoid potential legal issues and financial penalties while effectively providing equity to their global workforce.

    Choosing the right entity for business

    To offer equity to global employees, companies need to choose the right entity for their business. This involves considering factors such as local labor and tax laws, as well as managing regulatory requirements and tax implications.

    It’s important to ensure compliance with these regulations when offering equity options like ESOPs to international employees. By partnering with an Employer of Record (EOR), businesses can receive assistance in setting up an ESOP and navigating through the complexities of international tax laws.

    EORs provide expertise in managing global HR services while integrating with HR management software, making it easier for companies to offer equity to their global workforce without worrying about compliance issues or legal complications.

    Managing regulatory requirements and tax implications

    Managing regulatory requirements and tax implications is a crucial aspect when offering equity to global employees through EORs. It involves understanding the local labor and tax laws in different countries where employees are located.

    Companies need to choose the right entity for their business and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements in each jurisdiction. Additionally, they must navigate international tax laws to ensure proper withholding and reporting of stock options granted to international employees.

    By partnering with an EOR service provider like Deel or Remote, companies can rely on their expertise in managing these complex matters while streamlining the process of granting equity to a global workforce.

    How EORs Can Help Companies Offer Equity to Global Employees

    EORs can assist companies with setting up an ESOP, ensuring compliance with local laws and regulations, providing expertise in navigating international tax laws, and seamlessly integrating equity management with HR software.

    Assistance with setting up an ESOP

    An EOR can provide valuable assistance when it comes to setting up an Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) for global employees. They have the expertise to navigate the complexities of local labor and tax laws, ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements.

    Additionally, they can help businesses choose the right entity for their operations and offer guidance on managing tax implications. With their integration with HR management software, an EOR streamlines the process of establishing and administering an ESOP while providing ongoing support to ensure its successful implementation.

    Compliance with local laws and regulations

    Companies must ensure they comply with local laws and regulations when offering equity to global employees. This is important because each country has its own labor and tax laws that govern the granting and administration of stock options.

    For example, withholding and reporting requirements for stock options granted to international employees need to be managed properly. By partnering with an Employer of Record (EOR) service provider like Deel, companies can navigate these complexities more easily.

    EORs have expertise in local employment laws and can assist with setting up employee stock ownership plans (ESOPs) while ensuring compliance with all relevant regulations. This ensures that companies can offer equity benefits to their global employees without running afoul of any legal or regulatory obligations.

    Expertise in navigating international tax laws

    An important consideration when offering equity to global employees is navigating international tax laws. With different countries having their own tax regulations and requirements, it can be challenging for companies to ensure compliance when granting stock options or other equity incentives.

    Navigating these complex tax laws requires expertise, as withholding and reporting requirements for stock options granted to international employees need to be carefully managed. Working with an Employer of Record (EOR) can provide companies with the necessary knowledge and support to navigate international tax laws effectively.

    This ensures that the company remains compliant while providing equity benefits to its global workforce.

    Integration with HR management software

    An important consideration when offering equity to global employees is the integration with HR management software. By integrating equity administration into existing HR systems, companies can streamline processes and ensure accurate tracking of employee equity grants.

    This integration allows for easy access to data, simplifies reporting, and ensures compliance with regulatory requirements. With an integrated system, companies can efficiently manage all aspects of their global workforce, including compensation strategies and employee benefits.

    It enhances efficiency and reduces the administrative burden associated with managing equity plans for international employees.


    In conclusion, using EORs can enable companies to offer equity to their global employees effectively. With the assistance of EOR services, companies can navigate local labor and tax laws, set up employee stock ownership plans (ESOPs), and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements.

    By leveraging EORs, businesses can attract top talent worldwide and create a sense of ownership and motivation among their international workforce.


    1. Can a company give an Employee of Record (EOR) equity to global staff?

    Yes, companies can use EORs to offer stock options like NSOs (Nonqualified stock options) as part of their compensation strategy for foreign employees.

    2. Why would a business want to provide global workers with equity?

    Giving international workforce equity is a competitive advantage in talent acquisition and retaining high-skilled labor across borders, including countries such as UK, Australia, and India.

    3. How does offering equities impact compliance regulations for companies?

    Providing cross-border employment benefits like this requires companies to comply with each country’s rules about employee stock options and international payroll methods.

    4. Who holds the custodial responsibility when companies offer equity via EORs?

    The Employer of Record or EOR has the custodial responsibility when transacting shares within their workforce globally which includes setting up and managing these incentives.

    5.Is it legal for independent contractors to get Company Equity through the Employer of Record(EOR)?

    Yes! Independent contractors in global employment can receive Nonqualified Stock Options(NSOs), but must be aware that Global Mobility regulations may vary from nation to nation.

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